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About Us

The Company

4KF INTEGRO PVT LTD, is incorporated with the Registrar of Companies, Pursuant to sub-section (2) of section 7 and sub-section (1) of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. 4KF INTEGRO provides services in 10+ verticals to its clients integrating various service providers. Hence it will function as a one-stop shop for the non-core functionalities of institutions and corporates. Integro, henceforth destined to be the market leader in India, is designed and lead by two Board of Directors from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM Calcutta) and an Advisory Board comprising of  four industry experts and alumni of different IIMs in India.


4kf Integro shall strive to emerge as a sole leader in providing unmatched services to educational institutions and corporates for providing skilled workforce, integrating various stakeholders on its business platform for mutual benefits and growth by adapting an inclusive mechanism at all circumstances


“Creating Talents, Creating Jobs”. Integro will create talents by mapping structured programs for upskilling  with real-world skills that match the demands of the emerging job markets. Integro will create job opportunities for students, skilled trainers, service providers, suppliers and contractors on its platform by facilitating a technical hiring pipeline and will serve as a one-stop shop for the future job seekers and potential employers.



Board of Directors

Mr. Chinnappan Paul

BSc, MA (French), Adv. Dip (French, Paris), Business Strategy (IIM Kolkata)

Mr. Paul, 58 comes with 14 years of experience in the educational domain and 18 years of experience in the corporate management domain.

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Mr. Franklin Jean Roche

B.Com, MBA, Marketing – Digital and Social Media (IIM Kolkata)

A young director with hands on experience in media marketing and willing to travel a long way leading Integro to new heights.

Advisory Board

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Dr. Abraham Rajasekar

MSc, MPhil, MSc (Psy), MEd, PGDCA, MBA, PhD (phy),

Dr. Rajashekar, 53 An experienced and dedicated Educationist, Assistant professor in Sir Thiyagaraya College Chennai, has devoted his entire life to help and guide students. Dr. Rajashekar is an asset to Integro to guide the board on educational training and career options.

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Mr. Brian Varghese

M.A, Dip Hospitality Management (UK)

A well-known and highly qualified corporate trainer with 20 years of experience in meeting various corporate training needs globally. Mr. Brian will play a vital role in mentoring the training divisions of Integro.


MBA, PhD Software Engineering

MD & CEO Boscosoft Technologies, 30 years of expertise in Education

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Mrs. Simruin Antony

B.Com, PGDM in Data Analytics (IIM Rohtak)

Team Lead, Londan Stock Exchange (Refinitiv)